The Ultimate Day Schedule for Average Human Beings

2 min readNov 22, 2020


Little things I do to make my day a good day!

  1. Wake up early (You can do it!)

Waking up early generally sets the mood for my entire day. By early I mean not having to rush through chores before going to work.

2. A morning regimen

My morning regimen includes some random things that make me feel that I am taking care of myself. Having a herbal tea, some minutes of yoga, making myself a good breakfast are some them.

3. Chores

Over years I have come to realise that some household need to be taken care of everyday. Making up my bed, cleaning my space, doing dishes and not leaving these to pile up to be done on a weekend has a very relaxing effect.

4. Getting ready for the day

Over the years I have realized that if I am at ease with the way I look and feel, I am at ease with the things that I am doing. Spend some time to get ready, take a shower, think about what you want to wear, take care of your skin with a good lotion, etc.

5. Have small meals throughout the day

I prefer to have small meals with a gap of at least 3 hours through the day. I make sure that these are balanced and near to the required calorie intake needed.

6. 30 mins of exercise

30 mins of full body workout keeps me active throughout the day. Luckily, there are many on Youtube which do not require any equipment, or you can go for a good old jog. I tend to put on weight easily so the right mix of workout and food helps me stay in shape.

7. Have an end of day regimen

Just like a morning regimen an evening regimen is just as necessary includes wrapping up your day at work on time. Going for an evening walk, jog, having a light dinner, spending some time talking to the people you live with about their day, setting out clothes for the next day, brushing your teeth (most important!) are some of them.

These are all small activities that do not take much time on their own. But they keep me in the flow of the day and give a feeling of continuity. Even if you I feel I haven’t got time for all of them due to a busy day, I try to take time for some of them. These can be different for different people.

If you think too that your days aren’t balanced, think about it what things would make a great day for you and try to slowly bring them into habit.




Doing things in better ways than before